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Peak power generation management

Companies are in constant search for power efficiency potential and sometimes decide to use their own generating equipment that works in parallel with the main power supply system in order to reduce electricity costs. In terms of growing electricity tariffs, the use of own power generation sources is comparable to the purchase of electricity from the grid. Also, they help solve the issue of backing up electricity and heat supply sources. Power grids of companies with their own generation facilities is a sort of reduced version of a centralized power supply system created to reduce the cost of electricity payments and enhance the reliability of electricity and heat supplies.

At the same time, cost-effective regulation of the own generation load remains a challenging task for many companies. Atomenergopromsbyt JSC provides services related to forecasting, calculation and development of optimal load shedding schemes for customer's own generation facilities. The customer also receives daily recommendations on the load level of their own generation systems.

Decisions on generation systems operation in the optimal peak mode help to reduce fuel costs and maintenance costs while maximizing the resulting savings on the purchase of electricity from the grid. The use of generation facilities in peak mode with automatic control pursuant to a predetermined algorithm improves the economic performance of projects for own generation installations by more than 30% against operation under the basic schedule. Moreover, the decision to use peak generation allows you to implement your own power generation projects with limited gas supply volumes.