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Adygea Wind Farm

The Adygea Wind Farm is located on the border of the Giaginsky and Shovgenovsky Districts, Republic of Adygea. Being Rosatom’s first completed wind energy project, it has been supplying electricity to the wholesale electricity market since 1 March 2020.

The wind farm consists of 60 wind turbines with a capacity of 2.5 MW each. With an installed capacity of 150 MW, it is planned to generate 354 million kWh of electricity per annum, or 20% of total electric energy consumed in the region. During its operation period, the wind farm will occupy an area of 60 hectares. Investments in the project amounted to RUB 23 billion.

As confirmed by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, 55% of the wind farm equipment is sourced locally.

Wind turbines at the Adygea Wind Farm are 150 meters high (measured at the rotor's top). Each 49,05-meter blade weighs 8.6 tonnes. Together with a 217-tonne tower and a 49,5-tonne generator, the entire structure weighs about 324 tonnes.